Our Own True Worth

In the last few days, I have been pondering on my life legacy and accomplishments. I have to say, though, that while doing that at times I slipped into the unconscious, almost automatic, comparison to others, thinking: I have done pretty good compared to this person, or I have not done well compared to thatContinue reading "Our Own True Worth"

The Wisdom of Small Steps

Leaders are human beings and like everyone else they meet with mood swings and anxiety. A genuine leader acknowledges this and tries to deal with all of it. As a person, an individual with many interests and responsibilities, I have often been subject to both mood swings and anxiety, and through pondering, meditation, reading, andContinue reading "The Wisdom of Small Steps"

My 5 Book Recommendations for 2024

"Reading Is Exercise For The Brain." Reading good books is an opportunity to create balance in our lives and 2023 was an ideal year for doing that. In the middle of so many bad things happening today, reading a good book brings some hope and a sense of gratitude despite the challenges surrounding us. ThisContinue reading "My 5 Book Recommendations for 2024"

Do We Say “Thank You” Enough?

You heard me say this many times before, but in our fast-paced and often demanding world, it's easy to overlook the importance of gratitude. However, cultivating an attitude of gratitude can have a profound impact on our overall well-being and outlook on life. In this blog, I wish to share and explore what, in myContinue reading "Do We Say “Thank You” Enough?"

The Paradox of Vulnerability in Leadership

When I came to Canada, I brought with me my culture of openness, which is typical of Italians, especially those who come from the south. I thought that by being open all the time, I was to be understood and could be trusted. After all, trust is gained by offering it to others almost unequivocally.Continue reading "The Paradox of Vulnerability in Leadership"

Being Grateful Is The Foundation of True Happiness

In a world that often seems focused on negativity, it can be easy to forget the importance of being grateful. However, the truth is that being grateful is the foundation of true happiness and so we need to cultivate it, even and especially in view of all the negative things happening around us. In fact,Continue reading "Being Grateful Is The Foundation of True Happiness"

Ethical Leadership Is Not Just About Being Ethical

Throughout my life, I have had the privilege to work with good and bad leaders. Some have left a permanent, positive mark on me and a desire to be like them. Others have left much bitterness in their path and, although they may seem or believe to be successful at what they do, they haveContinue reading "Ethical Leadership Is Not Just About Being Ethical"

My 5 Favourite Books of 2022

As I have done for the last few years, I share the 5 favourite books I have read in 2022. Reading has been and will continue to be a great companion and a wonderful tool to launch me into a universe of knowledge, emotions, and introspection, which greatly assist me to walk my life pathContinue reading "My 5 Favourite Books of 2022"

Routine: An “In the Moment” Leadership Paradigm.

Marcus Aurelius, emperor of Rome, was well known for being a stoic. I have read his “Meditations” and many, nowadays, are practicing Stoicism - and Marcus Aurelius’ wisdom - to simplify their lives and find more flow and serenity "in the moment." After all, mindful meditation, an inner way of exploring the now of lifeContinue reading "Routine: An “In the Moment” Leadership Paradigm."